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Marble- A Beautiful Reality

You’re at the beginning of your custom build or remodel journey. You’re at home, you have 10 minutes to spare, and think

I should get online and get some design inspiration for this project.

You begin. You scroll through Houzz and Pinterest, perusing gorgeous shots of gleaming kitchens and elegant bathrooms. And before you know it, an hour has passed and you’re in LOVE with these images...all boasting lovely marble countertops.

I must have this kitchen with marble, you think. It’s so clean, so crisp, so lovely. I want one just like it! But…how much would that cost? How will it hold up? I’ll make a note to ask the builder.

This scenario concerning marble is one of the most common questions we get, especially when dealing with kitchens and bathrooms. People LOVE the look of marble (and it’s okay, we love it too) but often question the price and durability.

QUESTION: Is marble the BEST choice when it comes to designing the kitchen (or bathroom) of your dreams? Let’s talk about that.

The Reality

Let’s be honest…Marble is a beautiful addition to any space. But here’s the skinny on this particular type of stone.

Fact 1: Marble is a soft, porous stone.

1. What does this mean? Because it's soft, marble is certainly susceptible to staining and scratching.

2. Bottom Line: Marble looks amazing when first installed, but over time, it can definitely show its wear and tear. Many clients are ok with the risks, but most people don’t want to worry about if their countertops can withstand abuse over time.

FACT 2: Marble is made of calcium carbonate.

1. What does that mean? Calcium Carbonate makes marble susceptible to common acids found in a kitchen (for example, your glass of morning orange juice.) If spilled, these acids WILL dissolve the stone, eventually leading to pitting and other cosmetic issues.

2. Bottom Line: So yeah, it stains, even WITH the best sealers.

So, now you may be thinking, “This doesn’t sound so great. What can I do now? What about my dream kitchen?”

The Beautiful Reality

Don’t despair! You definitely have options. In fact, we love it so much we buy it in bulk to use on our houses (And hint-hint: it’s not as expensive as you think!).

Due to everyday use, it’s smart to put the most durable countertop surfaces possible in your kitchen. If you still want to have marble in your kitchen, we always suggest using it as the backsplash. Backsplash areas are far less likely to come into contact with liquids that might damage them.

Additionally, when paired with a synthetic, man-made countertop, marble serves as a beautiful counterpoint to those quartz surfaces.

If you decide against using marble in the kitchen, a bathroom countertop is a perfect spot to utilize it, simply because bathrooms don’t suffer the wear and tear that kitchens do.

Marble is a timeless material that looks great in any style.


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